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Carrie Lam elected Hong Kong's new chief executive

Carrie Lam, Hong Kong's former deputy chief and Beijing's choice, elected as city's new leader, Chinese media report.Hong Kong's electoral committee has chosen Beijing-backed Carrie Lam as the city's next chief executive. Lam won with 772 votes, the South China Morning Post reported citing an unofficial count. A total of 1,194 electors cast their votes on Sunday. Hong Kong's small-circle electoral system has come under criticism as unrepresentative of its 7.3 million residents. Al Jazeera's Adrian Brown, reporting from  Hong Kong , said  Beijing  would be pleased with the result.

These Countries Are Getting Healthier

These Countries Are Getting Healthier Is the world getting healthier? According to the World Health Organization, the global life expectancy in 2015 was 71.4 years . For more click here That marks a five-year increase in life expectancy between 2000 and 2015, due in part to major advancements in technology and medicine. While the rise in global life expectancy is an encouraging sign, that metric on its own doesn’t tell the full story. Another useful measurement in global health is the disability-adjusted life year . DALY is a measure of overall disease burden, expressed as the number of years lost due to ill-health, disability or early death. In other words, one DALY represents one lost year of healthy life. So, a decrease in the rate of DALYs would signal improving health in a country. To determine which countries are getting healthier, HealthGrove , a health research site by Graphiq , calculated the percent change in every country’s D

Trump to House Republicans: Time to put up or shut up on Obamacare repeal

WASHINGTON — President Trump headed to Capitol Hill on Tuesday to make a personal pitch to Republicans on the bill to repeal Obamacare, making clear to them how important it is they stay united to pass the legislation and keep a key campaign promise of his and also of theirs. "The president of the United States came to us and said, 'We made a promise to the American people and we need to keep our promises,' " said House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis. "The president was very clear and he laid it on the line for us." Ryan said Trump did "what he does best — and that is to close the deal."

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Russian special forces sent to back renegade Libyan general – reports

Deployment may be in support of Khalifa Haftar, whose forces have retaken two oil ports as fighting breaks out again in Tripoli Russia appears to have deployed special forces to an airbase in western Egypt near the border with Libya in recent days, in a move that adds to US concerns about Moscow’s deepening role in Libya . EU reaches out to Russia to broker deal with Libyan general Haftar Diplomats hope for reconciliation between the UN-backed government of national accord and the military commander of Libya’s eastern government Read more The news came as renewed violence broke out around key oil terminals in the east of the country and the capital Tripoli. US and diplomatic officials said any such Russian involvement might be part of an attempt to support the Libyan military commander, Khalifa Haftar, who suffered a setback on 3 March with an attack by the Benghazi Defence Brig

Libya falls back into civil war as rival sides fight to control oil terminals

Libya falls back into civil war as rival sides fight to control oil terminals  Ambassadors to Libya from the UK, US and France have made an appeal for calm as Libya falls back into a bloody civil war with rival sides battling for control of the hugely lucrative Libyan oil terminals. Diplomats are concerned the fighting will severely damage the coastal oil infrastructure – the economic lifeblood of the country. Refugee women and children 'beaten, raped and starved in Libyan hellholes' Militia-run detention centres in Libya are ‘no more than forced labour camps and makeshift prisons’, Unicef says Read more The fighting was sparked by the Islamist-led Benghazi Defence Brigade’s surprise capture on Friday of the oil export terminals at Sidra and Ras Lanuf. The terminals were wrested from the control of Field Marshal Khalid Haftar, the head of the so-called Libyan Natio

Flynn was paid $67G by Russian interests, documents say

WASHINGTON –   Former national security adviser Michael Flynn was paid more than $67,000 by Russian companies before the presidential election, according to documents released Thursday by a Democratic congressman. For more click here

latest news of Us Military action against North Korea 'an option'

The US has said its policy of "strategic patience" with North Korea is over, and suggested it may decide to take pre-emptive military action. Add caption Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the option was "on the table" if the threat from the North's weapons programme reached a level requiring it. During a visit to South Korea, he also said the US was exploring a range of new diplomatic and economic measures.

Google starts flagging offensive content in search results

SAN FRANCISCO — With growing criticism over misinformation in search results, Google is taking a harder look at potentially "upsetting" or "offensive" content, tapping humans to aid its computer algorithms to deliver more factually accurate and less i

latest update : US warns North Korea against nuclear attack

Defense Secretary James Mattis makes first foreign trip to key ally South Korea and reaffirms military alliance.

Why America's THAAD Deployment to South Korea Is Making China Go Crazy

The U.S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system (THAAD) deployed to South Korea earlier this month and while the missile-muting shield is meant to keep North Korean nuclear ambitions in check it is also driving the Chinese to distraction.  Beijing sees THAAD as an escalation against their own missile forces and have argued and fought